Caspian Energy Forum. December 8, 2021
About counсil
Council for Scientific, Technical and Innovative Cooperation The Caspian Science and Innovation Council is an interstate independent non-profit organization with its headquarters in Moscow and representative offices in the countries of the Caspian region. The founders of the Council will include representatives of the academies of sciences, chambers of commerce and industry, industrial, financial and investment companies, unions and associations, leading scientific and public organizations with the support of the state authorities of the Caspian region.The mission of the Caspian Council for Science and Innovation is to contribute to improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the national economies of the Caspian region through the development of cooperation, the development and implementation of joint research programs and innovation policies through joint efforts of the state, science, and finance. , industrial and public organizations.
The Caspian Science and Innovation Council is the organizer of the annual international economic forum "Caspian Dialogue".