Caspian Energy Forum. December 8, 2021
The Caspian Science and Innovation Council is a non-profit organization established without the formation of a legal entity.
The Council has the following structure:
The Co-Chairs of the Council are the highest body that determines the direction of the Council's work and coordinates the work of the Council's Presidium.
The Presidium of the Council is the highest collegial body responsible for the strategic management of the Council. It determines the strategy of the Council's activities, develops development plans, sets the principles of its activities, evaluates the effectiveness and possible risks, and also monitors the activities of the Council as a whole.
The Executive Director is the highest executive body.
The Executive Director has a Secretariat. Representatives of the Secretariat ensure the work of the Council, including the provision of services and the implementation of programmes by the Council. As part of the Secretariat, research, analytical and organizational activities are carried out by economists, researchers, lawyers and representatives of other professions.
Working groups may be established on a voluntary basis to organize the work on the development and implementation of federal targeted programs aimed at scientific and technological renewal and innovative development of the economies of the Caspian region countries, to organize work on amendments to existing legislation and a number of other issues that require the participation of representatives and experts who are members of the Council.