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Caspian Energy Forum. December 8, 2021


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02.02.2023 the 15th Caspian energy forum

Лещенко-Виктор-Викторович.jpgViktor Leshchenko, General Director of NTC Neftegazdiagnostika LLC
will take part in the Anniversary Caspian Energy Forum and make a presentation at it
“Establishment of an offshore pipeline repair industry”.

02.02.2023 the 15th Caspian energy forum

Тригубович.jpgGeorgy Trigubovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of Geophysics of EM-razvedka JSC, at the invitation of the Organizing Committee of the Caspian Energy Forum, will act as a moderator of the meeting "Geological exploration for oil and gas in the Caspian region. Prospects for cooperation" within the framework of the Focus session complex of the Caspian countries in the face of modern challenges”.

02.02.2023 the 15th Caspian energy forum

С.М. Сендеров.JPGThe Organizing Committee welcomes the decision of Sergey Senderov, Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Energy Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, to speak at the forum with a report "Problems of Searching for Critical Energy Infrastructure Objects".
The Institute of Energy Systems of the SB RAS has been a co-organizer of the Caspian Energy Forum for many years.

02.02.2023 the 15th Caspian energy forum

ИСЭМ РАН.pngViktor Kurbatsky, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Energy Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, confirmed participation in the 15th Caspian Energy Forum. The topic of his speech at the forum: "Improving the accuracy of forecasting the power generation of wind farms of the Apsheron Peninsula based on recurrent neural networks LSTM".

02.02.2023 the 15th Caspian energy forum

logo_inei_ran_transp_bg.pngVyacheslav Kulagin, Head of the Department for Research of the Energy Complex of the World and Russia, ERI RAS, confirmed his participation in the events of the 15th Caspian Energy Forum.  Mr. Kulagin plans to speak on the topic: "The role of the gas industry in the development of energy in the Caspian countries."

02.02.2023 the 15th Caspian energy forum

bogoyavlenskiy.jpgVasily Bogoyavlensky, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPOG RAS), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, will present the report “Achievements, Prospects and Problems in the Development of Hydrocarbon Resources” at the 15th Caspian Energy Forum Caspian Sea” (authors: Bogoyavlensky V.I., Bogoyavlensky I.V.).

02.02.2023 the 15th Caspian energy forum

КЭФ2023 для почты_1.jpgThe 15th Caspian Energy Forum "Energy Dialogue in the context of ensuring international Energy Security" on April 20, 2023. Moscow
The most important goal of the Caspian Energy Dialogue is to promote international, interregional and national energy security. As practice shows, the development of energy dialogue with all subjects of the energy markets of the Caspian region, the expansion of directions and the introduction of new forms of scientific and technological cooperation contributes to the modernization and innovative renewal of branches of the fuel and energy complex, which is the locomotive of the economy of the countries of the region, and positively affects the organization of uninterrupted supplies of hydrocarbon resources to foreign markets. In addition, the introduction of environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies and equipment at oil and gas producing enterprises, oil and gas processing complexes and pipeline transport contributes to ensuring the environmental safety of the Caspian Sea.
The mission of the annual Caspian Energy Forum is to achieve these goals.
On April 20, 2023, the 15th Caspian Energy Forum (hereinafter referred to as the Forum) is planned to be held in Moscow in the MGRI conference Hall (23 Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow, 117997) with the support of the A.M. Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Foundation.
Co-organizers and partners of the Forum: Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Geology and Development of Oil, Gas and Coal Deposits, Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Exploration University (MGRI), Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, The L.A. Melentyev Institute of Energy Systems SB RAS and the Caspian Science and Innovation Council.

30.03.2022 International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

dgu-new4.gifThe Program Committee of the Assembly expects that its participants will be presented with the most interesting materials that will be presented in the reports of members of the delegation of Dagestan State University.

Рабаданов.jpegThe delegation at the Assembly will be headed Murtazali Rabadanov, the rector of the Dagestan State University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, who will present at the plenary session the report “The third mission of the Dagestan State University: an innovative approach to the sustainable development policy of the Caspian region” (co-author of the report: Alimurad Gadzhiev, Director of the Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Dagestan State University”). This project has already aroused great interest in the international scientific and educational community.

Nukhkadi Rabazanov, Doctor of Biology, Professor, Head of the Department of Dagestan State University, Head of the PIBR FERC RAS ​​will co-author a joint report with Magomed-Rasul Magomedov, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor, Doctor of Biology, Chief Researcher of the Caspian Institute of Biological Resources of the Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences . The topic of the joint report is "Ecological assessment of the state of the natural environment of the Western coast of the Middle Caspian".

Alimurad Gadzhiev, Director of the Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the FGBOU HE "Dagestan State University" (co-author: Murtuzali Rabadanov, Rector of the DSU) will make a presentation "New Aspects and Prospects in the Problem of Preserving the Biodiversity of the Caspian Sea".
In addition, Alexander Shestopalov, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Institute of Virology of the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine (FRC FTM) in collaboration with Alimurad Gadzhiev, Director of the Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development of DSU, will make a joint report at the Assembly. The topic of their joint speech: "The role of the Western Caspian in the spread of viruses in Eurasia."
Dagestan State University plans to take an active part in the online presentation and photo exhibition "Caspian is our home". After the end of the Assembly, photos and presentations will be posted on our website and on the website

30.03.2022 International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

unnamed.jpgAstrakhan State University is a traditional participant in the Caspian Dialogue. In 2022, the university delegation will take part in its new format - the International Assembly.
The delegation of the University will be headed by 

АГУ.jpgRector Konstantin Markelov, who will make a presentation at the plenary session
"Science and innovations of universities in the interests of security and sustainability of the development of the Caspian region".
Among other participants of the Assembly from FSBEI HE "Astrakhan State Technical University":

Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Head of the Department of Hydrobiology and General Ecology
Elena Kondratenko, Dean of the Faculty of Biology
Tatyana Ershova, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydrobiology and General Ecology, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Anna Konkova, Head of the Scientific and Testing Laboratory of Ichthyopathological Research and Comprehensive Testing of Preparations, Associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology, Zoology and Aquaculture, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Tatyana Kuzina, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences

30.03.2022 International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

6eb97be1-0616-40dd-8fd3-12cb0e6d78da.jpgООО "ВолгоградНИПИморнефть" примет участие в Международной ассамблее "Каспийский диалог".

30.03.2022 International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

росгидромет лого.jpgROSHYDROMET sends a delegation to participate in the events of the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue". 
Members of the delegation:

Elena Ostrovskaya, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Caspian Marine
research Center".
Igor Ivachev, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State
oceanographic institute. N.N. Zubov" (FGBU "GOIN").
Vadim Petrov, Advisor to the Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "GOIN".

16.03.2022 the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

Атаев Халлымурат.jpgHallymyrat Atayev, Acting Director of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Chemical Sciences confirmed his participation in the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue". The topic of his speech at the Assembly: "Change in the salinity level of the waters of the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea".

13.03.2022 the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

200x100_МАКДИ_рус_11 (2).gifОдним из важнейших мероприятий Ассамблеи является Круглый стол "ВЫЗОВЫ И ПРОБЛЕМЫ КАСПИЙСКОГО МОРЯ В ИНФОРМАЦИОННОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ ПРИКАСПИЙСКИХ ГОСУДАРСТВ".
Модераторы круглого стола:

Влад-Кондратьев-200x300.jpgВладислав Кондратьев, главный редактор портала "Caspian Bulletin" и

Фото_Вихрова О.Ю..jpgОльга Вихрова, Старший научный сотрудник, координатор образовательных и исследовательских программ со странами ЕврАзЭС, факультет журналистики МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, кандидат филологических наук

Соорганизаторы Круглого стола:

Информационный портал "Каспийский вестник" (главный редактор -
Владислав Кондратьев и факультет журналистики МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова-декан-Елена Вартанова)Фото_Вартанова Е.Л..jpg

Свое участие в круглом столе подтвердили ведущие ученые, эксперты и заинтересованные представители медиасообщества прикаспийских стран.

Состав докладчиков на круглом столе:

Елена Вартанова, декан факультета журналистики МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова, доктор филологических наук, профессор, академик Российской академии образования
Ильгар Велизаде, руководитель Каспийского центр пространственного прогнозирования (Азербайджан, Баку)
Парвиз Негматов, главный редактор информационного сайта "васти пресс" (Иран)
Наталья Харитонова, доктор политических наук, профессор РАНХиГС при Президенте РФ, доцент МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова.
Александр Покатилов, Член Союза журналистов России, Член Союза журналистов Республики Казахстан, обозреватель международного холдинга" Euromedia "
Жибек Сыздыкова, доктор исторических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой Центральной Азии и Кавказа ИСАА МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова
Мамедов Сеймур Фархад оглу, главный редактор информационного портала "Взгляд.Az "Директор Международного экспертного клуба" EurAsiaAz
Леонид Сергеевич Раткин, руководитель рабочей группы "Квантовые технологии" и рабочей группы "Квантовые коммуникации" Международной академии связи, профессор Академии военных наук, академик Российской академии наук, ученый секретарь Совета ветеранов Российской академии наук, главный редактор Международного научно - технического журнала "Нефтегазовая техника".

13.03.2022 the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

logo.pngIn the work of the Expert Platform "The level of the Caspian Sea. Climate. Reasons for changes and forecasts" scientists of the Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences plan to take part, including:
Mikhail Bolgov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Topic of the speech: "Changes in the level of the Caspian Sea: analysis, modeling and long-term forecasting" and Anatoly Frolov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading researcher at the Laboratory of Global Hydroecology of the Department of Water Dynamics of the Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed his participation Topic of his speech: "Nonlinear model of fluctuations in the Caspian Sea level in paleovremena".

12.03.2022 the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

МПР.pngNatalia Tretyakova, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and
Tatiana Butylina, Head of the National Office for the Relationship with the Tehran Convention, Deputy Director of the ANO "Center for International Projects" plan to take part in the events of the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue" and make a joint report at it.

12.03.2022 the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

cropped-logo-caspmnic-main-1.pngElena Ostrovskaya, coordinator of the Coordinating Committee for Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea (KASPCOM), Director of the Caspian Marine Scientific Research Center of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, will speak at the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue" with a report "Activities of the Caspian states within the framework of the Agreement on Cooperation in the field of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea".

12.03.2022 the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

ТЕГЕРАНСКАЯ КОНВЕНЦИЯi.jpgMahir Aliev, Coordinator of the interim Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran Convention) - the UNEP Regional Office for Europe of the United Nations plans to participate in the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue" and make a report on it "The Tehran Convention and its main directions - the role of regional cooperation" (co-author: Mateusz Benko, employee of the Interim Secretariat of the Tehran Convention-the UNEP Regional Office for Europe).

23.02.2022 the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue"

ГАДАМОВ.jpgDurdymyrat Gadamov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Director of the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan accepted the proposal of the Organizing Committee and confirmed his participation in the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue". Durdymyrad Gurbanovich plans to make a report on the Caspian coast of Turkmenistan and its potential at the Assembly.

03.02.2022 International assembly “Caspian Dialogue, 2022”

_АНГЛ.jpgInternational assembly “Caspian Dialogue, 2022”. Moscow. May 11, 2022. FULL-TIME AND REMOTE. draft program 

03.02.2022 International Assembly "Caspian dialogue"

200x100_МАКДИ_рус_11 (2).gifWe invite all interested organizations and institutions to participate in International Assembly "Caspian dialogue", which will take place on may 11 2022 in the Cultural center of the GlavUpDK under the MFA of Russia at: Moscow, ul., d. 5.
International Assembly will be held may 11, 2022 from 9: 00 to 21: 00 hours.



Organizers: Council "Science and Innovations of the Caspian Sea", IPEE RAS, Russian Committee for UNESCO program "Man and the Biosphere", VNIRO.
Venue: Moscow, IPEE RAS.
Dates: April 28-29, 2021, 10: 00-18: 00.

• Vyacheslav Rozhnov, Academician of RAS, Director of A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the President of the Theriological society at the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the permanent wounds of the expedition to study animals of the red book of the Russian Federation and other important animals of the fauna of Russia, head of the Kazakh-Russian research Program of the Caspian seal in the Northern Caspian (2019-2023 years), Research Supervisor of the Council of "Science and Innovations of the Caspian Sea»
• Kirill Kolonchin, Director of the Russian research Institute of fisheries and Oceanography

• Yuri Dgebuadze, Academician of RAS, head of Section of the General biology Department of biological Sciences, Head of the laboratory of ecology of aquatic communities and infestations Institute of ecology and evolution Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Russian Committee of the UNESCO Program "Man and biosphere" (MAB)
• Mihail Glubokovsky, Scientific Director of the Russian research Institute of fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO)

The Conference program download

13.11.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

The delegation of the All-Russian Research Institute of Ecology will take part in the Caspian Dialogue 2019 International Economic Forum.
Белоусова Анна Вадимовна.jpgAnna Belousova, Head of the Red Book Laboratory of the All-Russian Research Institute of Ecology, plans to make a report at the Forum on Monitoring and Conservation of Wetlands on the Caspian Sea Coast within the Russian Federation.

13.11.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

Дгебуадзе Юрий Юлианович, Академик РАН.jpgYury Dgebuadze,  Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the General Biology Section of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory for Ecology of Aquatic Communities and Invasions, IPEE RAS will deliver a keynote presentation at the forum on “Biodiversity and Bioresources of the Caspian Basin: Status, Research, Challenges”

13.11.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

merklin.jpgLev Merklin, Leading researcher Laboratory of seismostratigraphy of the FGBUN " P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of RAS» plans to speak at the IEF "Caspian dialogue,2019" with the report "Сhannels of water exchange of the Caspian sea with the underground hydrosphere».

12.11.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

ЭДАГУМ СМ.jpgLLC "EDAGUM SM Rus" will sponsor coffee breaks of the 12th international Economic Forum "Caspian dialogue, 2019".

11.11.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

Вилкова Ольга 2019 ФОТО(1).jpgОльга Вилкова , начальник отдела осетровых рыб «ВНИРО» подтвердила участие в форуме. Тема ее доклада: «О выполнении Соглашения о сохранении и рациональном использовании водных биологических ресурсов Каспийского моря».

11.11.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

ГОИНLogo.gifThe delegation of the State Oceanographic Institute will take part in the upcoming forum. Alexander Korshenko, Head of the marine environment monitoring Department and Alexander Postnov, PhD, laboratory of International projects on marine environment monitoring will make a joint report at the Forum. The topic of their joint report is "Hydrochemical monitoring of the Caspian sea".
Maria Pogozheva, PhD, Environmental monitoring laboratory plans to make a report :" Methods of monitoring marine debris in different environments. Experience of the international EMBLAS project on the Black sea".

31.10.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

орими логотип.jpg"Orimi trade" will sponsor coffee breaks at the 12th international Economic Forum "Caspian dialogue, 2019".

31.10.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

Nuhkadi Rabazanov, chief researcher of the Caspian Institute of biological resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of biological Sciences, Professor confirmed his participation in the 12th IEF "Caspian dialogue,2019".

31.10.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

маркелов фото сайт1).jpgКонстантин Маркелов, ректор Астраханского государственного университета и Анна Федотова , проректор по научной работе Астраханского государственного университета, примут участие в предстоящем форуме «Каспийский диалог, 2019». Константин Маркелов планирует выступить с докладом «Экологические аспекты комплексной безопасности Каспийского макрорегиона» на форуме.

31.10.2019 International Economic Forum "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

 АЛИЕВ АР.jpgFagan Gambar oglu Aliyev, Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology of the Azerbaijan University of architecture and construction confirmed his participation in the 12th international Economic Forum "Caspian dialogue,2019" with the report "Innovative strategies of environmental monitoring in the Caspian Sea".

31.10.2019 IEF "Caspian dialogue, 2019"

Sergey Fazlullin, Senior researcher, Laboratory of ocean-land interaction and anthropogenic processes, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, associate Professor, Department of museology RSUH will participate in the upcoming Forum.
The topic of his report: “The study and preservation of the underwater cultural and natural heritage of the Caspian as an element of sustainable regional development.”

31.10.2019 Cosmonauts can participate in the educational process of the Caspian countries

фото Десинов2.jpgLev Desinov, candidate of geographical Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of cosmonautics of the RF, head of laboratory of remote sensing of Institute of geography RAS will participate in the 12th international economy forum "Caspian dialogue". The topic of his report (co-authors:L. V. Desinov, S. T. Kudyakova, I. L. Ivonin) "Participation of Russian cosmonauts in geographical education in the countries of the Caspian region".

25.10.2019 IEF "The Caspian Dialogue, 2019"

Новый бар Каспиан совет 2019.gifThe 12th International Economic Forum "The Caspian Dialogue, 2019" is planned to be held on 27th of November 2019 in Moscow, at the Conference hall of the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Leninskiy prospect 33).

08.04.2017 international economy forum "Caspian dialogue"

international economy forum "Caspian dialogue" Moderators of the Tenth Caspian Energy Forum“Oil and energy Sector of the Caspian region countries. Innovations in Fuel and Energy Sector”:
Aleksey Mastepanov, Head of the Energy Politics and Safety Analytical Centre, Oil  and Gas Institute RAS
Dmitry Strebkov, Scientific Director of the Federal Scientific Agro-Engineering Center of the VIM

08.04.2017 international economy forum "Caspian dialogue"

international economy forum "Caspian dialogue" The "Caspian dialogue 2017" will be hosted in Moscow on April 14 2017 in the Congress Center of the MGIMO of the Russian foreign Ministry.

08.04.2017 international economy forum "Caspian dialogue"

international economy forum "Caspian dialogue" Moderators of the inetnational conference "Youth Caspian Dialogue":

Igbal Guliev, Deputy Director of MIEP MGIMO MFA Russia, Director of the Center for Strategic Research and Geopolitics in Energy (International Fuel and Energy Development Academy)

Denis Kalinin, Chairman of Honor of “World Energy Policy” Club, MIEP MGIMO MFA Russia

13.04.2015 IEF "Caspian Dialogue,2015"

IEF "Caspian Dialogue,2015"

The Delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan will participate in the activities of the Forum. The delegation consisted of: Asif Garayev, the second secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vugar Rafiq oglu Imamaliev, Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Russia, Mahir Gahramanov, Head of Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Elchin Mammedov, expert of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources,  Otel Huseynov, an expert of the Ministry of energy, Mammad Nasibov, an expert company "SOCAR", Emin Huseynov, Vice-Rector of the University of ADSs and masters of the University.

10.04.2015 МЭФ "Каспийский диалог,2015"

МЭФ "Каспийский диалог,2015"

Delegation of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, including: Oleg Mizerkov, Director of the Department of cooperation with the Customs Union and economic cooperation with the CIS countries, Konstantin Kuz'michev, Deputy Director of the Department of cooperation with the Customs Union and economic cooperation with the CIS countries, Vladimir Metelkin, expert Department of cooperation with the Customs Union and economic cooperation with the CIS, Yuri Mikhailichenko, Advisor to the Department of State Programs and investments Economic Development Rossiiprimet participate in the Forum.

10.04.2015 IEF "Caspian Dialogue, 2015"

IEF "Caspian Dialogue, 2015"

The Forum will take part Hossein Ismaili, Director-General for Europe, America and Caspian states the Ministry of Petroleum of the Islamic Republic of Iran and delegation of "Nafta Khazars" including:Ali Osuli, Director General, Mohammad Kamalian, director of engineering and construction companies, Youssef Etemadi, director of exploration work.

Daud Mirzakhani, Economic Advisor and Ali Ahmadi, a translator of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Russian Federation will participate in the IEF "Caspian dialogue."

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